What to do in Anyksciai?
It is a lot of happened since last year. Now I see our plan in Anykčiai and to tell the truth our project completed more than 100 %. You can look...
What to do in Anyksciai?
After a short research, we prepared initial list what we would like to do in Anykščiai: 1. Narrow Railway Museum; 2. The Treetop Walking Path; 3....
What to do in Anyksciai?
This summer we are planning to visit as many places in Lithuania as possible. In our list we have Anykščiai. Today we start to collect information...
Bouldering in RonMin in Tallinn
Hi, After each attraction that we test we open a new topic in the Forum. Last month we visited RonMin in Tallinn. Our kids loved this attraction,...
Forum rules
MyFamilyTravelZone of the service provided by this web site myfamilytravelzone.com are not responsible for any user-generated content and accounts...
Regina on Jan 12, 2018
Art Center of Baltic Amber
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Pagrindiniai gintaro muziejaus ekspozicijos akcentai: įėjimas, gintaringoji pušis su kita ekspozicija po stiklinėmis grindimis, šventvietė, Juodkrantės lobio amuletai, driežiukas įklimpęs sustingusiame sakų gabalėlyje